Our Fees

At Amling Investments, we take pride in working for our clients and no one else.  Our services are fee-based, not commission-based.  That means that we are compensated solely by fees paid by our clients and do not accept commissions or compensation from any other sources.  By not taking commissions, Amling Investments remains an objective advisor focused on your needs.  We believe that there is a significant conflict of interest if an advisor stands to gain financially from the purchase of any product or fund he recommends to a client.  

We have created a transparent fee structure that links your fee directly to the value of your portfolio.  Fees are a small percentage of your assets under management and are billed quarterly.  We will always share the same goal as you: making your investments grow.  Amling Investments’ services pay for itself with the value created in your investment portfolio.

Less than 1% of all financial advisors are truly fee-only, and we are proud to be one of them.  Most financial advisors are brokers, registered reps, or producers and are compensated solely by commissions from the products they recommend and sell.  Most of these commissions are never disclosed to the client.  Other professionals referred to as “fee-based” or “fee-offset” charge both a fee and a commission.  Amling Investments uses neither method and provides full disclosure of all compensation.


Investable Assets Annual Fee
First to $1,000,000 1.00%
$1,000,001 to $2,000,000 0.85%
$2,000,001 to $5,000,000 0.70%
$5,000,001 to $10,000,000 0.60%
and above 0.50%

There is a minimum quarterly fee of $1,250.

Contact us for a complimentary consultation to learn more.